What CMS do we support

Yii website maintenance

Cetera offers Yii website support in USA for $10/hour or unlimited plans from $890/month to $1,700/month. Our developers and designers support more than 50 webshops and 1,000 websites for 100+ customers in USA and worldwide.

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Yii is a fast, secure, and efficient PHP framework

Yii gives you the maximum functionality by adding the least possible overhead.

Sane defaults and built-in tools helps you write solid and secure code.

Yii features:

  • Implements the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern and promotes code organization based on that pattern;
  • Yii will never try to over-design things mainly for the purpose of strictly following some design pattern;
  • Query builders and ActiveRecord for both relational and NoSQL databases
  • RESTful API development support;
  • multi-tier caching support;
  • High performance.

Support services

  • Usability and conversion optimization.
  • Search engines optimisation.
  • Web advertising campaings management.
  • HTML-coding.
  • PHP- and JS-programming (modules, extensions, integration).
  • Design (banners, goods photos, collages webshop redesign).
  • Content management (new goods, social media management, reviews, SEO-articles).
  • Highload hosting or Apache-webserver and MySQL-database administration at your webserver.
  • Backup, anti-virus, security.



  • All services are prepaid.
  • Service Level Agreement avaiable.
  • We accept PayPal (corporate account, so we can send you invoice).
  • Also, we have LLC in EU. For EU customers VAT is not charged.

Our tech stack

Webshops, that we develop, utilize widely-used, free, and open-source software with worldwide support available.

  1. Linux operating system.
  2. Apache web-server.
  3. MySQL database server.
  4. PHP programming language.
  5. Twig template processing for PHP.
  6. SASS cascade style sheets extension.
  7. PUG template processing for HTML.
  8. ExtJS, AngularJS and jQuery JavaScript libraries.
  9. Various eCommerce platforms.